
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, founded with the mission to assist the wounded without discrimination, works globally and nationally to prevent and alleviate human suffering. Its aim is to protect life, health, and uphold human dignity. The movement fosters mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation, and lasting peace among all people.

The movement makes no distinction based on nationality, race, religious beliefs, class, or political opinions. It is committed to alleviating suffering, guided solely by the needs of individuals

To maintain the trust of all, the Movement must remain neutral and refrain from taking sides in conflicts or engaging in any political, racial, religious, or ideological controversies.

The Movement is independent. While National Societies assist their governments in humanitarian efforts and follow national laws, they must retain act in line with the Movement's principles

The Movement is a voluntary relief organization, driven solely by the desire to help, without any motive for personal gain. It operates with compassion and dedication to those in need.

Each country can have only one Red Cross or Red Crescent Society, which must be open to everyone and provide humanitarian services across the entire nation.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a global network where all Societies hold equal status, sharing responsibilities and duties to support one another